What is PACT?
PACT stands for Proactive Care Team. PACT is a service which has an integrated approach to providing holistic, person-centred care. The service is based on a multi-agency approach so that it can use a holistic approach to providing support, which includes developing community assets and promoting self-care.
What can you expect from PACT?
A full holistic assessment. The assessment is carried out by the PACT Care Coordinators. We have developed a template which captures information to complete a full PACT assessment. Information collected, ranges from BP readings, a memory test (6CIT), general health assessment, bloods, grip test (strength) and a frailty assessment.
How can I ask for a referral?
The PACT service receives referrals from two different paths, proactive and reactive referrals. Referrals for the re-active side of PACT come through from clinical staff, GPs, Health Care Assistants, District Nurses etc and/or the Voluntary and Community Sector and Virtual Ward. If a patient is identified as being one to benefit from a PACT assessment, a referral will be made via an internal system. The referral will then be picked up by a Care Coordinator who will review the referral and contact the patient to arrange an assessment in their own home.
The pro-active approach is data driven. PACT Care Coordinators identify potential patients using internal tools, including the E-Frailty register. They will contact the patient to arrange an assessment in their own home.
What can I expect from a PACT assessment?
Once you have been seen by a Care Coordinator, to ensure consistency and efficiency, all PACT visits are discussed at a Multi-Disciplinary Team Meeting (MDT). The MDT is 1 hour per week and includes existing service providers including GP representation from each practice, ACPs, Mental Health workers, Social Services, Social Prescribers, Community Matrons, District Nurse, Nurse Practitioners and VCS representation, to name a few. The MDT is used to review the patient, discuss the outcome of the assessment completed by the Care Coordinator and then provide an opportunity for other members of the MDT to input into the agreed care for the patient. A plan is then developed and finalised which ensures that the person is linked in with the relevant VCS services within the community and health services available.
If you have any questions about a PACT visit or would like to speak with your PACT Care Coordinator, please call your GP Practice and ask the reception team for a call back from the PACTeam.
Your PACT Care Coordinators

Jo Sykes, PACT Care Coordinator

Kelly Robson, PACT Care Coordinator