National programmes and services to help prevent and manage diabetes
The programmes listed are all available across West Yorkshire. Other programmes and services may be available locally.
Let’s DiaBEAT this.
Active ME Diabetes Support
More information about this service
Healthy Living
Free online self-management programme and structured education pathway for adults with type 2 diabetes
- Aged 18 or over diagnosed with type 2 diabetes OR be a carer or relative of a patient living with type 2 diabetes
Referral Process
Healthcare professionals and other care providers refer to the registration page
My Type 1 Diabetes
Free online platform to help people manage type 1 diabetes:
Adults diagnosed with type 1 diabetes
Referral Process
- Self-refer at:
- Share web address with suitable patients
- Monthly progress report to primary care
- Service approved until 2023
NHS Low Calorie Diet (pilot early 2022)
A low calorie diet treatment for people who are overweight and living with type 2 diabetes. Offers low calorie, total diet replacement products; eg soups and shakes
- Aged 18 or over diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in last six years
- BMI over 27 kg/m2 (or over 25 kg/m2 in people from Black and Asian ethnic groups
- Insulin
- Pregnant or plans in next six months
- Breastfeeding
- Active cancer (+/- treatment)
Referral Process TBC
NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme
Free delivered over nine months - via phone, video, face-to-face, online or app
- Aged 18 or over - HbA1c in the last
- 24 months (12 from April 2022) 42-47 mmol/mol or FPG 5.5-6.9 mmols/l
- History GDM - HbA1c can be below 42mmol/mol or FPG 5.5
- Benefits need to outweigh risk if aged 80 or over
- Pregnancy
- Current or previous diagnosis of type 2 diabetes
Referral Process
NHS Digital Weight Management Programme
A free online or app based 12-week programme
- Aged 18 or over with hypertension or diabetes AND BMI over 30 (27.5 - adjusted appropriately for ethnicity)
- Severe or moderate frailty
- Pregnancy
- Eating disorder, unmanaged co-morbidity, bariatric surgery
Referral Process
- GP practice or healthcare professional
- NHS digital eRS to NHSE/I referral hub